Press Release
7th of December, 2013
4th International Day against
Unnecessary Imposed Mega Projects
Stop the Devastation of the Planet !
Stop Trampling People’s Rights !
Tomorrow, December 8th, 2013 the Forum against UIMP celebrates the 4th day against Unnecessary Imposed Mega Projects on an international level.
This event is now mainstream and arises from citizens organized in associations and movements who struggle against Unnecessary and Imposed Mega Projects all overthe world.
Numerous events are organized around this date by associations and movements in Italy, France, Germany and elsewhere. More info here:
The network has so far organized various Forums as moments of reflection and action in the Susa Valley, Italy in 2011, in Notre-Dame-des-Landes, France in 2012 and in Stuttgart, Germany in 2013.
For the next Forum, the town of Roşia Montană, Romania’s candidacy is pending and the decision on the location of the 2014 Forum will be made in the coming days.
Forum participants have also met in Tunis during the WSF 2013 drafting the Charter of Tunis which contains criticisms and alternatives to UIMP.
In particular, they affirm that these projects, decided by Governments excluding the effective participation of the population in the decision-making process, represent ecological, socio-economic and human disasters, the destruction of wildlife areas and agricultural lands and of cultural and artistic heritage.
The Forum against UIMP strongly condemns the Governments’ practice, widespread all around the world, of militarization and the criminalization of the opposing residents in order to speed up the progress of these projects.
The Forum against UIMP affirms that the financing methods applied to these projects generate enormous profits guaranteed by public funds together with a juridical-financial structure that is scandalous and favours companies who, through lobbying, influence political decision-making aiming to obtain exceptional measures in order to bypass all legal obstacles.
Furthermore the Forum against UIMP says that local, national and supranational political structures, as well as global financial institutions by supporting these projects, are acting in opposition to the rights, needs and will of citizens.
The Forum affirms that there are solutions by maintaining and optimizing existing infrastructure, by giving preference to the proximity and re-localization of the economy, by protecting agricultural land, by energy-use moderation and the transition toward de-centralized, renewable energy sources, by attributing the final part of the decision-making process to the populace directly affected, a fundamental factor for real democracy and local autonomy which can be obtained even through adequate legislative proposals, as opposed to an imposed development model, through new relationships of solidarity between the people of the south and the north that definitively break with the logic of domination and colonialism.
We affirm our solidarity with the struggles against Unnecessary Imposed Mega Projects and our common desire to re-appropriate our world, everywhere.
Contact: Forum against Unnecessary Imposed Mega Projects +39 320 265 9560
Samedi 14 décembre de 11h à 17h - à Bordeaux, place de la Victoire
Stand d’information sur les projets LGV Bordeaux-Toulouse et Bordeaux-Espagne, grands projets inutiles qui menacent notre région.
Cette journée a pour objectif de sensibiliser les habitants de Bordeaux à tous les aspects négatifs des projets de LGV et de les informer que la rénovation et la modernisation des lignes existantes est une alternative beaucoup plus pertinente et beaucoup moins coûteuse pour tous les Aquitains.
Nous avons besoin d’être nombreux pour que notre présence soit bien visible et pour assurer cette action de sensibilisation pédagogique.
Rendez-vous sur place samedi ! Apportez si vous le pouvez une boisson chaude et/ou une douceur à partager avec les passants Contact: Denise Cassou - 05 56 62 99 57
CADE – Pays basque français Jeudi 12 Décembre
Soirée avec vidéos et débat.
Le weekend du 8 décembre - De Venaus à Ivry-sur-Seine
Des camarades sont en lutte sur leur territoire contre un grand projet pharaonique ? Les NoTav répondent solidarité ! C’est pourquoi le comité No Tav Paris invite à se mobiliser contre le Grand Paris pour la journée internationale contre les Grands Projets Inutiles et Imposés.
Le weekend du 8 décembre, 3 jours de manifestation sont organisés dans 3 territoires de la banlieue parisienne touchés par les projets du Grand Paris : le vendredi 6 à Gonnesse, le samedi 7 à Saclay et le dimanche 8 à Ivry-sur-Seine, date anniversaire de la bataille de Venaus en 2005 en Val de Suse !
Notre-Dames-des-Landes –
Le dimanche 8 décembre, sur le trajet de Nantes à Brest, et autres lieux, nous affirmerons notre opposition au transfert de l’aéroport, en même temps que nous saluerons tous les résistants à ces grands projets, tous ceux qui sont engagés solidairement dans cette journée internationale contre les GPII…
Monday 9th December, during the 201st monday-demonstration in Stuttgart, white elephants carrying Stuttgart, Susavalley, Florence, NDDL, basque country, Var valley- Nice, Neckarwestheim, Rosia Montana, and Istanbul will be exposed and a speech about the Forum against UIMP will be held.