European Commission – ANNEX to the Commission Implementing Decision on the selection of projects following the 2021 calls for proposals for grants under the Connecting Europe Facility – Transport sector (General and Cohesion envelopes) pursuant to Implementing Decision C(2021) 5763 —> pagina 10


Lyon-Turin Base Tunnel Access: Preliminary and Final Designs of the Avigliana – Orbassano Line

€ 10.713.000,00


Riferimenti normativi

Progetto 101071239 — 21-IT-TG-PFD-AviO “Lyon-Turin Base Tunnel Access: Preliminary and Final Designs of the Avigliana-Orbassano Line”

Nominativo: Rete Ferroviaria Italiana – RFI S.p.A.

Dati fiscali: Partita Iva – 01008081000

Normativa alla base dell’attribuzione: Regolamento UE Numero 1153 del 07/07/2021

Struttura organizzativa responsabile: DG per lo sviluppo del territorio, Div 4 – Sviluppo della rete di trasporto transeuropea e dei corridoi multimodali

Dirigente o funzionario responsabile: Bernadette Veca

Importo atto di concessione:  € 9.888.000,00

Data atto di concessione: 06-10-2022


Programma CEF 2021-2027 Regolamento CE n.1153/2021

Pagamento tramite: sistema informativo IGRUE Conto di tesoreria n. 23211 del Ministero del Tesoro Fondo di rotazione per l’attuazione delle politiche comunitarie finanziamenti CE; Contabilità Speciale MIT 5838

Grant Agreement n. 101071239 — 21-IT-TG-PFD-AviO associato al doc. n. Ares(2022) 6913423 del 06/10/2022

Link Progetto:

Modalità seguita per l’individuazione del beneficiario

Selezione avvenuta a seguito di partecipazione a bando di finanziamento Europeo.

Importi dei vantaggi economici corrisposti




€ 4.944.000,00 09/12/2022 2022


Allegato: Estratto GA 101071239 – 21-IT-TG-PFD-AviO.pdf (Pubblicato il 14/12/2022 – Aggiornato il 14/12/2022 – 426 kb – pdf)

Allegato: Regolamento UE n.11532021.pdf (Pubblicato il 14/12/2022 – Aggiornato il 14/12/2022 – 979 kb – pdf)

Contenuto creato il 14-12-2022 aggiornato al 16-12-2022

Project: 101071239 — 21-IT-TG-PFD-AviO — CEF-T-2021-COREGEN
CEF MGA — Multi & Mono: v1.0

1. General data
Project summary: The Action is part of the global project located on the pre-identified cross-border section ‘Lyon-Torino’ on the Mediterranean Core Network Corridor.

It aims to carry out the Final design (Work Package 1) of the new rail access route section from the Orbassano Freight Yard to the municipality of Avigliana in Italy, that will continue afterwards to the Turin-Lyon Base Tunnel.

The Action will ensure the connection of the new railway line to the Orbassano core rail-road terminal and will increase the capacity of the Turin node by improving the articulation between the long-distance and local traffic.

The Avigliana-Orbassano new railway line, will have an overall length of approximately 24 km. It will upgrade the freight yard tracks in Orbassano to provide the entrance for the new tracks for the new railway
line. The new line foresees a tunnel under the Morainic Hill between Avigliana and Orbassano (approximately 14 km), followed by an artificial tunnel section (of approximately 3 km) and by an uncovered section dedicated to the entrance and crossing of the Orbassano freight yard located in the rail-road terminal.

Then, the new line will join the existing access line to the TEN-T Core Urban Node of Turin.

In the long term, the Action is expected to enhance modal-shift from road to rail and interoperability in the rail system.

As a result, it will decrease the GHG emissions, road congestion and road accidents.

Moreover, it will reduce the noise disturbance by removing rail freight traffic from inhabited urban and suburban areas between the municipalities of Orbassano and Avigliana

The new railway line is expected to boost international competition by offering a quicker, more cost-effective transportation mode with higher service quality between Italy and France.

The Action is linked to the ongoing CEF-T Action 2014-EU-TM-0401-M “Cross-border Section of the New Lyon-Turin Rail Link Mont Cenis Base Tunnel (TBM)”.

Keywords: not defined

Project number: 101071239

Project name: Lyon-Turin Base Tunnel Access: Preliminary and Final Designs of the Avigliana-Orbassano Line
Project acronym: 21-IT-TG-PFD-AviO
Call: CEF-T-2021-COREGEN
Type of action: CEF Project Grants
Granting authority: European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency – CINEA

Grant managed through EU Funding & Tenders Portal: Yes (eGrants)

Project starting date: fixed date: 1 July 2022

Project end date: 30 April 2025

Project duration: 34 months

Consortium agreement: Yes

2. Participants

List of participants:
N° Role Short name Legal name Ctry PIC Total eligible costs (BEN and AE)

Max grant amount


Role COO

Short Name RFI


Country IT

PIC  €9 934 360

Total eligible costs € 19 776 000.00

Max Grant amount € 9 888 000.00
Total € 19 776 000.00 – € 9 888 000.00